The Frozen Few

Created by: @oduemfilms

The Frozen Few


Produced by

@t.r.o.g._official & @yeoleghost


1st AD- @therobertthomasproject

EDITOR - @chrissyrabe

VFX-GRADE - @pistolstudios

MIX- @decibelny

RACE GEAR- @sushi_thefreewheeler @freewheelers_and_company

#trog #Thefrozenfew #thecrazyeights

#oilerscarandmotorcycleclub #deathriders @harleydavidson @hdmuseum

United we will ride

So excited to share our new film. We’ve been working alongside these guys for several years now. Shot pre Covid during the craziest winds, we came back to this imagery with a whole new perspective. We realized how these bonds of friendship and family help us now more than ever. We are stronger together. #unitedwewillride

Location: Wildwood Beach, Home of The Race Of Gentlemen - @t.r.o.g._official

Riders :









Wardrobe @sushi_thefreewheeler

Crew Credits

Director/DP/Editor - Todd & Chrissy

Camera Op @da_bray - Damien Bray

Drone Op @therobertthomasproject

Color @nick__metcalf @mill_ny

Mix @decibelny

Shot On:



RED Camera - The Frozen Few

Directed By Jason Momoa







Camera Operators



Michael Rintoul

Drone Op



Photos by





Riders :














Wardrobe @freewheelers_and_company

Color @nick__metcalf @mill_ny

Mix @decibelny

Music @benchetrit_small_music

Shot On:




Harley Davison Pan America

New work with @harleydavidson

And @prideofgypsies

J, you not only worked your ass off everyday but also were the first to get up in the morning and the last to go to bed. You really put your heart into this project and it shows. Thanks so much trusting us with this film it was a great year and to spend it with the best crew. @da_bray @bluetodd @therobertthomasproject @learmiller @bai_karry @rogergibbs

And the best editor @chrissyrabe for making it look amazing.

Thanks for the awesome job on color and mix. @nick_metcalf @mill_ny @soundslikemat @decibelny

The riders who busted their balls everyday and worked all night to keep those bikes going so we had bikes to film the next day, without you this wouldn’t have been possible.


















Shot on @redDigitalcinema

#monstro #gemini #komodo

@leitzcine lenses

Swiss Gear "The Getaway Collection"
Bonobos Spring 2013
Ayr in Wonderland
Dig my life away
Through the Looking Glass trailer
Broke Down Engine